Visit us at The London Coffee Festival 15-18th May - Stand RW07

Take your coffee skills to the next level with our Masterclasses.

We operate within an industry that is susceptible to environmental, social and ethical issues. Its crucial that we remain responsible within our market whether that is by vetting our supply chain, improving the sustainability of our packaging, or working towards net-zero carbon emissions. Not only is this important for the farmers, but also for the planet, especially as most of the worlds coffee is grown in regions under constant threat of jeopardy.



East African coffee producersCoffee Sourcing

The main coffee growing regions that we source from are situated along the "bean belt". This belt stretches across the globe and is positioned between the equator lines of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Such countries include Brazil, Sudan, Cameroon, Vietnam and Indonesia. The climates of these areas are very volatile, and natives often experience social and economic trouble. As you can imagine, this can create day-to-day difficulties.

For the farmers that enable us to produce our high-quality roasted coffee, it is our duty of care to ensure we positively contribute to building an established and fairer coffee trade by sourcing responsibly. To do so, we work with ethically-positive brokers and third-parties that are accredited and have measures that ensure transparency and legitimacy. 

One of the members we work with is the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe who are the world's leading green coffee service group. Our green coffee brokers partner with them, who together commit to growing a sustainable coffee industry. The groups focus is based around four time sensitive objectives that will improve the trade in totality. 

These four objectives include:

  • Promoting responsible conduct within the group
  • Educating and improving transparency within the supply chain
  • Improving the livelihoods of producers via NKG Bloom; and 
  • Committing to improving the environmental footprint of the industry

Within five to ten years the group have committed to make significant progress towards achieving these objectives and it is important for us as a responsible business within a testing market, that the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe continues to benefit the entire world's coffee production. 

SME Climate Hub

SME Climate Hub

We are proud to announce that we are a member of the SME Climate Hub. This global and pioneering initiative targets real and positive environmental results. Whilst we work towards these targets the planet can benefit from the gradual reduction of carbon emissions and greenhouse gases.

The targets we are working to achieve are:

  • Halving our greenhouse gases before 2030
  • Achieving net-zero emissions before 2050
  • Disclosing our yearly progress

This initiative is backed worldwide and we are supported and joined by governments, businesses, cities, regions, and universities in the Race to Zero campaign.

By joining this commitment, we as a business are dedicated to streamlining procedures and creating more eco-friendly working procedures to reduce our emissions and achieve the goals..

Rolling Columbian Hills
No Waste Initiative

To grow and produce wonderful coffee, a variety of climate and geographical factors must align. Soil chemistry, humidity, elevation, rainfall, and sunshine all effect the flavour and appearance of each coffee variation. To prolong the health and reduce the damage of our current eco-systems, climates, and habitats, as a collective we must ensure that we minimise our impact, and we can do this by championing the mantra: reuse, reduce, recycle. 

At Carrara, we have a range of products that's sold to home and wholesale markets, and each of these products incorporates this ethos...


For our partners that buy in bulk, to support their businesses its imperative we provide products in sustainable packaging. Our cardboard boxes that house the coffee are fully recyclable by normal disposing methods, and the coffee bags themselves are certified carbon neutral, as well as being a 4 Low-Density Polyethylene material. Confirm with your local authority before recycling these in a normal bin, however Harborough District Council is able to process them. 

Our partners are also offered 6kg Save & Return tins that promotes no-waste when purchasing our coffee. These tins keep the coffee contents fresh and safe when not in use. Finally, our branded reCUP 8oz and 12oz takeaway cups are made from revolutionary technology that actually allows for recyclability. This is due to the EarthCoating® surrounding the cup that can be broken down in recycling plants, unlike other standard cups. 

Home Market

Businesses may be better equipped to recycle products but at home we still want to play our part in helping to maintain the planet. All packaging for our delivered products is recyclable and can be disposed of in correct bins. Please check whether your local authority can process our 4 LDPE coffee bags in their recycling plant. Our brew bags are biodegradable and the material of the outside packet is the same as the coffee bag, which again must be checked. Carrara Cold Brew is 100% recyclable too as glass is a widely accepted product in recycling plants.

Business Protocols

To reduce CO2 emissions we encourage local customers to collect orders from our Roastery. Additionally, we have designed delivery routes that avoid over-consumption of fuel when delivering to our wholesale customers.

Our building has motion sensor lights and insulation to reduce unnecessary energy usage, whilst we also actively recycle within the business premises. Finally, being a stones throw away from Market Harborough town centre, those of us that live close often do walk or cycle into work.  

Future Commitments

As a team, we research new ideas and innovations that can help to make our coffee service waste free and eco-positive. Along with this we will continue our work to spread the word of sustainability and improving transparency of recycling. 

By going waste-free with our products and packaging we play our part in contributing to net-zero emissions. This is now a vital focus for us as the United Kingdom has pledged to committing to a net-zero target by 2050. 

If you have any queries or questions regarding to our efforts to be more sustainable and the packaging that we use, please contact us.